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Muslims gathered in Istanbul against non-Muslims interfering in Halal issues

Muslims from different Halal certification bodies and Islamic NGOs gathered in Istanbul against interfering non-Muslims in Halal issues

There were representatives from more than 50 Islamic organizations and associations from about 32 countries such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, DENMARK, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Libya, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Netherland, Norway, Philippine, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, SERBIA, South Africa, Spain, Tatarstan, UK, USA, and Turkey.

The congress started with recitation of the Holy Quran by Shaikh Mustafa Meral. GIMDES President Dr. Huseyin Kami BUYUKOZER make an opening speech, he said that we don’t need to hear from non-Muslims on what is halal and what is haram. Allah (SWT) mentions in the Quran” This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.”


The congress has taken for two days and it was the following:

First day

First session: was about What is CEN and its activities & aims on Halal standards?

Dr. Shuja Shafi. Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, UK. (Moderator).

Dr. Adel Sabir. European Halal Development Agency. UK. (Speaker).

Hanen Rezgui Pizette. Protection of the Muslim Consumer, ASIDCOM, France. (Speaker).

Ruksana Shain. Be Halal Consumer Organization, UK. (Speaker).



Second session: speakers spoke about the Islamic Position on Non-Muslim Governance of Halal.

Moulana Muhammad Saeed Navlakhi. South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa. (Moderator).

Dr. Salih Alayad. Muslim world league, Kingdom Saudi Arabia. (Speaker).

Dr. Wanis Almabrouk. International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), Libya. (Speaker).

Mufti Mohammed Zubair Butt. Halal Monitoring Committee, UK. (Speaker).

Ilgiz Bagautdinov. Halal standardization committee of Centralized Religious Organisation, Tatarstan. (Speaker).

Shaikh Mahmut Eren. Ismail Aga Fiqh committee president, Turkey. (Speaker).


Second day

First session: was about Halal Certification Bodies Opinion on Non-Muslims interference in Halal Standards.

Dr. Hani Al Mazeedi. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, State of Kuwait. (Moderator).

Abdul Rahman Linzag. Islamic Da’wah Council of the Philippines, Philippines. (Speaker).

Amal Kabalan. The Halal Catering Argentina. Argentina. (Speaker).

Mohamed El-Mouelhy. Halal Certification Authority, Australia. (Speaker).

M. Fouad Imarraine. AVS, France. (Speaker).


Second session: was about the Strategies to Stop Non-Muslims Interference in Halal Standards and Certification.

Sheikh Thafier Najjaar. Islamic Council of South Africa, ICSA, South Africa. (Moderator).

Dr. Mariam Abdul Latif. World Muslim Consumers Organization. Malaysia. (Speaker).

Dr. Majed Alhariri. GIMDES- Turkey. (Speaker).

Yusuf Patel. South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa. (Speaker).



Final session: was Concluding Statement of the Congress and Recommendations.

Moulana Muhammad Saeed Navlakhi. South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa.

Zafer Gedikli. Secretary General of World Halal Council.

Dr. Adel Sabir. European Halal Development Agency. UK.

All participants agreed that the interpretation, standardization, regulation and application of Halal is regarded as an act of worship. The crafting of Halal standards requires inter alia the skills of qualified Muslim theologians who possess in-depth knowledge of Islamic Law, which is based on Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijmah and Qiyas. Halal Certification by non-Muslim entities is deemed null and void in terms of Islamic Law.