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Don’t Forget! Sharp brain and strong heart stay in the powerful body.

The schools are opened!..
Please don’t empoison our children…

We remind of parents, teachers, school managers, school canteen operators once again.

Even Though it is forbidden to sell in the High school’s canteen such as Cola and soda pop beverages, readymade fruit juice, chips and high calory foods, because parents, teacher and school administration’s unconcern, this ban isn’t ongoing satisfyingly. Due to these products are unhealthy, and generally disease magnetic and above all, Muslims family’s children consume these products which aren’t suitable for Muslim diets.

Mothers, Let’s prepare Halal and Healthy nutrition bags!…

Parents can show their reaction by preparing Halal and Healthy nutrition bags in their home for their children diet.

Junk food caution!
Unconscious nutrition cause to grow unhealthy generation. Many diseases can start from beginning such as heart diseases, some cancer types, allergic disease and osteoclasis. For this reason, you have to teach halal and healthy nutrition to your children in the young ages.

“Don’t neglect milk for Healthy growing”
School milk program must go on without cast a damp over.

The government must go on school milk program insistently.

Many countries increase their precaution to unhealthy diet. Cola and gas beverages will not sell anymore in the prepared food, and drink automates due to struggle with being fat.
Cola and gas beverage consumption around 33 liter but milk consumption is only 18 liter. This amount is 197 liter for per person in USA. However, milk consumption is 200 liter for per person yearly.

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