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Quoted from the website GUWUSTE

Transgender ideology has increasingly threatened humanity in recent years. This ideology rejects biological sex and wants people to be allowed to choose their own sex. However, this ideology has been subject to many criticisms.

We continue to criticize Transgenderism as the Enemy of the Family and Society;

Transgenderism Contradicts Biological Science – Biological Sex Cannot Be Changed

Gender ideology contradicts basic biology. All scientific evidence that refutes the transgender narrative is ignored. However, the approach of the American College of Pediatricians is clear: “Human sex is an objective biological binary characteristic: Male and female. Human sex is clearly a creation requirement for the reproduction and development of our species. Sexual development disorders do not create a third sex.

Those who adopt the trans ideology claim that men can turn into women or women can turn into men. However, their claims are baseless. “It is physiologically impossible to change a person’s gender because each individual’s gender is coded in their genes. Female is XX, male is XY. All scientists who continue their studies on this subject confirm that “gender is written into every cell of the body and can be detected with a DNA test and gender cannot be changed.”

From a biological perspective, we can understand through logic and reason that human organs have a purpose. For example; the purpose of our eyes is to provide us with vision. Our lungs exist to breathe oxygen and we have ears to hear. Similarly, the primary purpose of human sexuality is reproduction, while the secondary purpose is sexual pleasure. However, transsexuality, homosexuality and feminism belittle the reproductive purpose of sexuality, working together to eliminate reproduction and focus only on sexual pleasure.

The homosexual movement tears lives apart. Regret, hopelessness and suicide are common among those who adopt the “T” of the LGBT lifestyle. Walt Heyer, who regretted living as a woman for many years, said, “I knew I wasn’t a real woman, no matter what my identity documents were. I took extreme steps to resolve my gender conflict, but the genders I changed didn’t work. It was clearly a masquerade. Transsexuals don’t just destroy their birth identities, they destroy everyone and everything: family, spouse, children, brothers or sisters, careers, destruction and self-harm.” The stress associated with living a lifestyle that violates human nature is obvious. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 41% of those who identify as trans in the United States have attempted suicide. This is twenty-five times more than the national average. The transgender industry’s failure to fully inform individuals about the side effects of the hormone blockers they prescribe for gender transition is another problem.

The Cruelty of Trans Ideology to Children

Transgender ideology approaches the worst types of cruelty because it imposes delusions and perversions on the mind, starting with young children. Trans ideology forces children to receive positive sensitivity training against transsexuals and tries to instill transsexuality in children.

Components of Transsexual Ideology:

Doctrines that feed trans ideology: Reckless liberalism, feminism and hedonism

Ministers: Leaders of the homosexual and transsexual movement.

Assistants-Followers: Global capital, global media, global film and cinema platforms, media, some liberal and some leftist media, immoral politicians, academics who sell science, homosexuals and transsexuals, pedophiles, some queers and feminists.

The subject they investigate: Laws, beliefs and cultures that threaten transgenderism.

What they excommunicate and exclude are those who do not hide scientific facts, those who speak the truth, virtuous, honest and courageous individuals who are labeled as “homophobic” or “transphobic”.

Victims: Children, adolescents, young people, all individuals with gender identity disorder

Transgenderism Violates Moral and Faith Principles

The desire to change one’s biological sex not only denies the truth, but also reveals mental and emotional deviations. No one is born male or female by chance, but is created male or female according to a Divine plan. Their chromosomes are either XX or XY. They do not have a third sex chromosome. Therefore, deliberately contradicting the biological nature of humanity is an act of rebellion against our Creator. We must help those who are uncomfortable or confused about their own gender. Therefore, we must approach with compassion and seek the truth, because only the truth can set you free.