

GIMDES Ladies Volunteer Istanbul Provincial Representative organized a program called “Muslim’s Table” in Başakşehir/GIMDES. Dietician Ms. Fulya Mavi Bilgehan explained how nutrition should be according to the Quran and Sunnah to approximately 50 women on Saturday, January 4, 2025/Recep 4, 1446. Do we have any sensitivity about the transmission of Allah SWT’s halal and tayyib nutrition command to our generation, material and spiritual life? How should the Muslim’s Table be? The program, which was explained with interest, was followed with interest. Q&A was held after the training. Then, our guests were sent off with gifts consisting of GIMDES halal certified products. Some points taken from the training are as follows:

• What we eat is like an elixir. Every morsel we take can benefit or harm us… Even the mood of the person while cooking affects the food.

• You are what you eat!!!

• The limbs of the person who eats what is haram rebel against him. Whether he knows it or not.

• A person’s piety is in proportion to the halal nature of what he eats.

• Worship has ten parts; nine of them are seeking halal sustenance and one is other deeds. (Hadith al-Sharif)

• Would you like to eat insects! Would you like to eat hair! They feed us these with food additives.

• In order to be sure that our food is halal and clean, an institution of inspection and atonement is needed.

• GIMDES is an atonement institution that carries out this inspection on behalf of Muslims.

“Eat and drink, but do not waste.” (Surah Al-A’raf – Verse 31)

• The fact that something is halal does not mean that we can eat it unlimitedly. Too much of anything is waste and harm.

• The taste and abundance of food is related to what you eat, who you eat it with, and how you eat it. In order to get the maximum pleasure and benefit from food, it is necessary to eat halal and in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet.

• Hadrat Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi says: “This morning, my inspiration has stopped. I realized that a few suspicious morsels have entered my body…”

• The morsel that increases light and perfection is the morsel obtained from halal earnings. If a morsel causes heedlessness, know that that morsel is suspicious or haram.”

• If you say, “We do not eat haram anyway”; Numan bin Bashir (r.a.) said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “The halal things are clear and the haram things are clear. Between these two, there are suspicious matters that many people do not know. Whoever avoids suspicious things will protect his religion and honor.

• Our Prophet (peace be upon him) said that it is enough to straighten the back, but we eat only enough to bend the back.