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GIMDES has been visited by Islamic Magazines!..

Seyyide Magazine is in GIMDES

Sare Tamguney, Seyyide magazine Editor, and Fatma Toksoy, Seyyide magazine journalist, gave an interesting visit to Dr. Huseyin Buyukozer, GIMDES president.

The importance of women role regarding Halal Consumtion and problems that Women may encountere to keep Hala lifestyle were the main disccusion topics in that meeting.

Bizim Aile Magazine is in GIMDES

Nesibe Bahtiyar, Bizim Aile Magazine Editor, and her team gave a visit to GIMDES days ago.
Nesibe Bahtiyar mentioned that they are tracing GIMDES work on Halal life and halal food consumption. Additionally, she stated that GIMDES efforts contributed much in developing people awareness of halal food.