Our certification studies, which are carried out in cooperation with various institutions that embrace Halal and Tayyib cases all over the world, continue at full speed. One of these institutions, Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) and GIMDES have been in cooperation for about 10 years. In this context, JAKIM, which wants to perform audits on companies in Turkey, requested GIMDES to accompany them.
With the Malaysian State Delegation and JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia), GIMDES conducted joint audits on different companies at different locations!
Located in Konya, Akova Süt ve Gıda Mamülleri SAN. TİC. A.Ş (Milk and Food Products), within the framework of Malaysia-Turkey trade partnership, accompanied by GIMDES Chief Auditor, Food Engineer Mehmet Bayar, the audit was concluded without any problems with the opening meeting, presentation of the institutions, site audit, documentation audit and closing meeting.
Another audit is Rella Gıda ve SAN. TİC. A. Ş. which is in Manisa to purchase dairy products by JAKIM, GIMDES Lead Auditor, R&D Coordinator, Senior Chemist Ali Rıza Kurum. The delegation declared that they preferred Rella Gıda since GIMDES is a valid Halal and Tayyib certification institution in Malaysia. After the field inspection was carried out; the inspection, continued with inquiries about documents, and was concluded without any problems.