Communication, IT and electronic technology have developed in vertiginous speediness last 30 years. It’s fast diffusion makes the world global and a big village. Production and trade grew in the same rate.Now; anyone can find anything in any place. Industrial and economic forceful countries become the main actor in that situation and sell technology, machine, product processes and products to other countries.
Food, cosmetic and drug sectors keep up with this globalization. We can find a product which manufactured in any place in the world on all markets’ shelf.
The people who have some specific conditions encounter some difficulties with is developed that kind of products, which manufactured with the complex process. That situation gave problems for choosing a product which doesn’t have unknown additives or derivatives. Because of religious and dietary preferences both Muslims, Jews, Hindus and vegetarians have the most discomfort societies.
This uneasiness lead societies to modern research, and establish brand new assurance points in their lives. They are going on their life with establish certification foundation, which is including assurance system standards.
Halal life is sine qua non for a Muslim life standard. Muslim’s fundamental aim is living in Halal circle from birth to death. The important step of this chain is Halal slice. For this reason, Halal life, Halal eating, Halal eating, briefly Halal slice is sine qua non for a Muslim, and it is his faith issue.
Because of this importance, Muslims set up Halal certification bodies in all societies for living in Halal life assurance.
The idea of controlling products and its manufacturers gives reason to set up GIMDES (Association for the inspection and certification of food and suppliers). Because of supplying products to Muslims contrary to its tradition and have problems relating halal and tayyib aspects. GIMDES has started to give Halal Certificate since 2009.
GIMDES and other Halal certification bodies execute their duties for totally serves to Muslim societies’ profit and advantages. GIMDES works completely voluntarily with companies called kaffalet. After their application, the manufacturers and sellers who are willing to get Halal certificate are kept control on by GIMDES for producing Halal products.
Halal World Market Chain has served certified Halal and Healthy products in Turkey since 2009. Nowadays, there is 7th branch of that. The aim of Halal World Markets establishes Halal Market system, which encircle all over the world. We call down the beginning of this enterprise mediates all khair for all Muslims.