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”BPA effects last for four generations” fact

According to a study published in the Journal Endocrinology, BPA effects can last for four generations.
In a study published in the Journal Endocrinology, 250 mice had been observed periodically for two years and as a result of this study it has been proven that BPA effects pass down to future generations.
Experimental researches showed control diet mice are interacted with each other more than BPA-exposed mice.
These studies show BPA causes some alterations in genes and behavior. Anxiety, aggression and cognitive impairment have been observed in pregnant BPA-exposed mice’s babies.
The research shows being exposed to BPA in the uterus is how important on children’s behavior. And it’s emphasized that the girls are more sensitive to BPA than boys.

In another study launched by The American Chemistry Council, BPA levels in the urine samples of 2.838 people between the ages of 6-19, have been studied, and it’s been proven that people exposed to high levels of BPA, are 2.6 times more likely to be obese.

GIMDES, has been sharing the studies and researchers with public since 2009.
BPA was discussed in greater detail in the following topics:
-Our first article, dated 27.05.2009: Plastic containers have risk,
-14th issue of GIMDES Journal, dated 10.11.2011: The Dangers of BPA in plastics,
-An article dated 27.11.2010: BPA is banned in baby bottles in Europe,
-An article dated 26.10.2011: BPA damaged is doubled up.
-An article dated 29.07.2012: The danger of Plastic Demijohn


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