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GIMDES President speech in Korea conference

All praise is for Allah, the Exalted; may He send peace and blessings on the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), his family, and his companions.
Islam is a holistic way of life, considering physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being, each a separate but overlapping part of the structure of a human being. Allah (SWT) created us with a purpose; to worship Him, (Quran 51:56) but He did not abandon us to a world of instability and insecurity. He gave us a book of guidance, the Quran, and the example of Prophets and Messengers to explain that trusting in Allah was the way for us to achieve success in this life and in the hereafter.
A Muslim spends his or her life aiming to please Allah by worshiping Him and obeying his laws, or rules. To success of this aim depends on the Halal life system.
O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] Halal (lawful) and Tayyib (good,healthy) and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.(Sure 2,Ayet 168)
What is the meaning of Halal? Every things and actions which are allowed Allah (Subhanehu Wa Taala) who is the creator and owner of the universe.
What is the meaning of Haram? Everything which isn’t allowed or forbidden by Allah (Subhanehu Wa Taala)
There are favor, goodness, blessing and health in Halal. There are ugliness, dirtiness, shortage and diseases in Haram.
Halal is an indispensable concept in a Muslim’s life standard. Main target of Muslims lives in the Halal circle from his birth to death. The most important part of this target is Halal Slice. For this reason, Halal life, Halal food, Halal Beverages in short, Halal Slice is an indispensable part of Muslims, and it is a faith matter.
Therefore, halal food is as significant as the water and the air which are indispensable elements for the life a person, even more, since non-halal food may cause the live of Muslims to lose the hereafter (Ahira) forever. It is time to take responsibility of understanding the obligation of feeding ourselves with Halal and tayyib foods for the sake of our lives on this world and in ahirat.
Halal has become a powerful market force, becoming increasingly a world-wide market phenomenon for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The appendage of “Halal” to a product is not just a guarantee that the product is permitted for Muslims, but it has also become a global symbol for quality assurance and lifestyle choice. This is evident by the participation and involvement of non-Muslim countries and organisations where halal is fast emerging as the standard of choice. Many Western countries have recognised the emerging global trend in consumerism towards halal products and services, and are now racing to gain a footing in the halal industry.

The halal market is non-exclusive to Muslims, and has gained increasing acceptance among non-Muslim consumers who associate halal with ethical consumerism. As such, the values promoted by halal – social responsibility, stewardship of the earth, economic and social justice, animal welfare and ethical investment – have gathered interest beyond its religious compliance. The popularity of, and demand for, halal-certified products among non-Muslim consumers have been on the rise as more consumers are looking for high quality, safe and ethical products.
Brothers, the population of Muslims is estimated 2 billion and Alhamdolillah it is growing. It is forecasted to represent 35% of the global population by 2030. The global food market size is currently around 4,5 trillion (USD). On the other hand, the global halal food market is around 910 billion (USD) and could account for 30% of world trade in food products in the future. The opportunities that this halal brand represents are the reason for global food giants as well as small to midsize companies becoming involved in the manufacturing and marketing of their products to Muslims worldwide.
The halal industry is a highly potential market of the future that has not been fully explored. This is supported by the growing number of world’s Muslim community estimated to increase. However, there are some issues regarding the Halal industry either domestically or internationally, particularly in relation to the abuse of halal logo and other offenses relating to the halal logo.
Due to that, as GIMDES we have been started Halal Dunya Markets Projects in Turkey. If a Muslim consumer goes to these markets, he can easily find whole Halal certified products in one place. Halal Dunya Markets is controlled by GIMDES so non Halal certified products cannot sell there. We have to support this project and initiatives that want to open a branch all over the world. This markets also will promote to sell World Halal Council members products in different part on the world.
We have started a new project which is called Darul Halal Madrasah University project for next generations to educate what they eat, drink and consume and critical control points of products and have high Islamic values. Students from all over the world can enroll this university to learn Halal Science and Islamic Sciences together.
Conferences and exhibitions are organized various both Islamic and Non Islamic countries to increase Halal and Tayyib Certified Products’ awareness all over the world. It is obvious that these exhibitions are very important. GIMDES also organizes similar activities every year in Turkey. 6th HALALEXPO 2015 Halal and Tayyib Products Exhibition will be organized by GIMDES in ISTANBUL CONGRESS CENTER (ICC) on 22-25 October 2015.
There will be many events and activities during this organization such as World Halal Council Annual General Meeting, International Halal Food Summit, Halal and Tayyib Products Exhibition, Fiqh workshop in the international Halal and Tayyib subjects, International Medical and pharmaceutical workshops, SME (Small Medium Enterprises) Summit, Halal and Tayyib Dining.
I would like to thank the organizer to arrange this important exhibition and events. I pray to Allah (Subhanehu Wa Taala) for giving happiness, beneficence and blessing all over the World.
Dr.Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
GİMDES President
WHC Patron

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