ICSA (Islamic Council of South Africa) President and World Halal Council Board Member Honorable Thafier NAJJAR visited GIMDES and had a meeting with Dr. Hüseyin Kami BÜYÜKÖZER.
A short interview was held with Honorable Thafier NAJJAR during the visit. The interview details are given below:
-GİMDES: Assalamu Alaikum sir
– Mr. NAJJAR: Wa Alaikum asSalam wa Rahmatullah
-GİMDES: Welcome to İstanbul.
– Mr. NAJJAR: It’s all my pleasure.
-GİMDES: Thank you very much. I would like to ask you what would you like to say to followers of GİMDES?
– Mr. NAJJAR: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Elhamdulillah wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasuli Sallallahu aleyhi wa Sallam wa ala alihi wa sahbihi acmain wa ba’a
I think afford me to opportunity first of all to say; If we can take GİMDES as a role model under the leader ship of Dr. Hüseyin in the halal industry; then the industry will be very much poweful and strong respectful industry. That is where we say to Dr. Hüseyin and his entire team a big thank you for delivering that particular standard of Halalan Tayyiba not only for the Muslims, but the entire universe.
Why do i say this? Because Almighty Allah Subhanehu wa Ta’ala said in the holy Qur’an:
قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلٰٓئِكَةِ اِنّٖي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْاَرْضِ خَلٖيفَةًؕ
<When your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to place advisory (khalifa) on this earth.” > Now that khalifa is to serve mankind, irrespect of what their religion is and that is a role model that i can see: GİMDES is practicing they provide a service to the entire population to the entire humanity. In the same time, when we see what Dr. Hüseyin and his team are doing in GİMDES it reminds me of a very powerful hadith of Nabi Muhammad Salavatullahi aleyh:
اذا اراد الله بعبد الخير استعمله في غذائها حوائج الناس
If Allah wants good for you, the Nabi Sallallahu Aleyhi wa Sallam said, then Allah uses you to serve mankind whatever the needs may be.
GİMDES is playing that role.
So i can only say the Nabi Sallallahu Aleyhi wa Sallam confirmed that Allah wants good for GİMDES and therefore He uses them to serve Humanity the way we are seeing it; they are serving. May Allah bless them all inshaAllah.