Elif ELMA l GIMDES Laboratory Services Responsible – Chemical Engineer
GIMDES Laboratories work routinely. The publication of the reports provides both the control for the manufacturers and the transparency of the work carried out with the Halal assurance system to the consumers. In the table below, there is a list of the products made for the months of October, November and December on a quarterly basis from the reports kept in the GIMDES files.
If we examine the analysis made in the last 3 months in summary,
108 analyses were made for 47 products. These studies were produced to reveal statistical data. The result of 2 samples was determined as unsuitable. According to the results, necessary notifications were made to the relevant companies and corrective/preventive actions were requested. These analyses are made not only to certified companies, but also to companies that are in the certification phase.
Allah knows best.
Abant Su, Altınbaşak, Amanos Gıda, Arslan Türk, Asilnur Kimya, Aso Gıda, Asutek Kimya, Bahar Hindi, Beşsan Makarna, Çukurova İrmik, Değirmenci Tarım, Diversey, Ecolab, Ecrin Gıda, Erişler Un, Golda, Hesa Kimya, Hurmacınız, Kersia, Kral İncir, Lermioğlu Un, Mariam Coffee, Matlı Süt, Mz Kimya, Naturalive, Nims, Oba Makarna, Sabırlar Fındık, Saruhan Kimya, Tatşen Gıda, Tirebolu, Uçan Adam, Yarkim, Yavuz Gıda
Natural spring water; water analysis
Dry fig; pesticide, sulphur dioxide
Cleaning and cosmetic raw materials; pig and bovine DNA search
Chili pepper; aflatoxin, pesticide
Orange marshmallows; search for colorant
Macaroni; searching for synthetic colorant
Turkish coffee with cardamom; moisture
Turkish coffee; caffeine and ochratoxin
Black tea; pesticide, search for colorant
Chopped hazelnuts; aflatoxin, pesticide
Bread wheat flour; mold, coliform, lead, cadmium, pesticide, aflatoxin
Jerusalem date; pesticide, yeast-mold
Mebrum date; pesticide, yeast-mold
Cake, pastry and baklava flour; mold, coliform, lead, cadmium, aflatoxin
Semolina; pesticide
Spaghetti; mold – yeast, salmonella
Full-fat toasted cheese; searching for vegetable oil, natamycin
All-purpose wheat flour; mold, coliform, lead, cadmium, aflatoxin, pesticide
Whole kernel sweet corn; GMO and fumonisin
Dried tomatoes; metabisulfite
Cherry jam; brix mold
Dried strawberries; yeast-mold
Vinegar of grapes; search for ethyl alcohol
Turkey with gluten-free grain seeds; salmonella
Pastry wheat flour; mold, coliform, lead, cadmium, aflatoxin, pesticide
Spaghetti; salmonella, mold-yeast
Ottoman rice; pesticide
Coarse bulgur; search for colorant, pesticide