Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
Although Ramadan is a virtuous month in general, some nights in it also have special virtues. One of these virtuous nights is the 17th night of Ramadan.
The great scholar Ibn Rajab al-Hanbelî (Rahimahullâh) collected the narrations on this subject in his work Letâifü’l-Me’ârif and also recorded the narrations that the Night of Power could correspond to the 14th or 17th night of Ramadan.
As a matter of fact, in a hadith narrated by Ibn Mas’ud (Radiyallahu Anh), the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: “Look for him on the seventeenth night of Ramadan.”
When the narrations about the 17th Night of Ramadan are taken into consideration, it is understood that the 17th night is one of the nights where the holy Night of Power, which is better than a thousand months, should be sought. The day of this holy night is also important as the Battle of Badr took place.
It is reported that Zayd ibn Thabit (Radiyallahu Anh) and the people of Medina revived this day, whose importance is emphasized as “Know that whatever spoils you take, one-fifth is for Allah and the Messenger, his close relatives, orphans, the poor, and ˹needy˺ travellers, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and what We revealed to Our servant on that decisive day when the two armies met ˹at Badr˺. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.” (Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 41) in the Holy Quran, along with its night, and it is recorded that the people of Mecca prayed and performed Umrah that night until the morning.
The addition of Halal and Tayyib services to this day, which our Lord has blessed GIMDES and indirectly WHC with his inspiration, shows how important it is.