[Are] men whom neither commerce nor sale distracts from the remembrance of Allah and performance of prayer and giving of zakah. They fear a Day in which the hearts and eyes will [fearfully] turn about – (Nûr – 37)
The agenda in the Halal Dunya Market Union meeting on 16 January 2016 with representatives was the following;
1-) Opening, Quran Recitation and Prayer,
2-)GIMDES Fiqh Committee member Mustafa Meral’s speech on Halal Dunya Market’s fiqh principles,
3-)Öner BULUT’s speech who is responsible of GIMDES Halal World Markets about the encountered problems in the practices and solution proposals,
4-) ”Audit of Halal World Markets and Certification Practices” – GIMDES Certification Coordinator Ali KAYGISIZ
5-) “To work for the development of Halal World Markets” – GIMDES Chairman Dr. Hüseyin Kami BUYUKOZER
6-) Wishes and Requests of Halal World Markets
I pray that Allah (SWT) makes our trade as harvest of this world for the hereafter.