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For who knows how many times since the earth became the earth, it has been under the pressures and impositions of oppression and disbelief… Humanity is in a miserable state in the grip of a terrible nightmare. Everywhere was like a fire scene. While poverty is rampant on one side, debauchery is rampant on the other side…
On one side are the oppressed people whose blood is shed in droves, and on the other side are the masters who exploit and shed blood…

On one side, the rightful masses who cannot get their rights are shedding tears, while on the other side, the bandits who usurp those who have no rights are puffing their disgusting bellies…
On one side, the poor nations that are oppressed and killed, and on the other side, the imperialist, supposedly civilized countries that have become monsters in order not to lose the wheel of industry and technology with great envy…

On the one hand, moral and honourable people are despised and subjected to tyranny through slander and lies, while on the other hand, immoral, dishonourable creatures who are pampered and held in high esteem, and who trade in chastity and honour…

Humanity is writhing in the depression caused by these terrible contradictions and is looking for a way out.

The only solution against injustice and exploitation is ISLAM.
Let’s unite in the atmosphere of this holy religion that you say you believe in…

Superstitious powers, who are passionate about maintaining their power through cruelty and deception, on the one hand, continue their gilded, deceptive and narcotic propaganda in order not to show the way of salvation to the masses, and on the other hand, they ruthlessly slander, create conflict, disintegrate and destroy people who can see the way of salvation and show it to the masses, with slander and false allegations. They continue to attack with this method.

Miserable people who claim that they will bring happiness, peace, and justice to humanity with the systems they have been imposing for a century! Look at this swamp you brought humanity to at the end of the century! Blood everywhere, death everywhere, pain everywhere, cruelty everywhere, hunger everywhere, misery everywhere…
Our brothers and sisters who wake up with nightmares in the morning of such a dark dawn. We have to get rid of this seven-headed dragon of blasphemy and oppression that surrounds the world. So how can we be saved? We must give an intelligent answer to this question.

We say that an intelligent answer to this question can only be a call to all our brothers, especially ourselves, to Unity and Brotherhood in Islam.

We are calling… Our people whose hearts are full of rebellion against injustice.
We are calling…our brothers and sisters who want social justice against exploitation.
We are calling…our brothers and sisters who believe that it is necessary to save in order to be saved.
We are calling… Our brothers who want respect for their beliefs, morals, and honour.
We are calling on our brothers and sisters who say enough is enough against corruption and abuse gangs.
We are calling… Our brothers who call an end to unjust bloodshed.
We are calling… Our brothers and sisters who love each other and are looking for a beautiful world full of peace and love.

Yes, we call on our brothers, who are seekers, aspirants, and followers of all these beauties, to unite in Islam, the source of Truth and Truth, the climate of justice, love and tolerance, and to Brotherhood in Islam.