We are congratulating the new Islamic Hijri year, Month of Muharram and the day of Ashura. 10 Muharram is the day of Ashura and we hope that the blessing and Barakah of Allah will shower upon us all and mankind will eventually regain the piece he has been looking for a long time. Muharram […]
We have good news and reproof to brothers and sisters
Halal Dunya Markets reaches to 23 branches at the end of this month. After long journey, Alhamdolillah, Allah has reached us to this point. There is a still long and important way for Halal slice in all Muslim society. We believe that we will come through this period with purity, patience, loyalty and sincerity. We […]
The second GIMDES Halal Certified Auditor Training in 2013 was held in Istanbul.
The 13th GIMDES Halal Certified Auditor Training program was held on 25-29 September in GIMDES center. The topics are Islam fundamentals, Halal Standard, Halal Certification theory and application, Food-safety applications, Halal and Tayyib Safety applications and Halal Assurance System, before and after of Halal Certification process, auditor performance, audit procedures during training. Raw materials of […]
GIMDES Monthly Laboratory Analysis Reports through August-September
The below list about analysis reports of GIMDES Halal Certified products during August-September. When we check analysis briefly, 98 pieces analysis carried out for 56 pieces product during August-September. The result of one monosodium glutamate (MSG) value is so low, and it thinks this value comes from glutamic acid. The research and development about that […]
Yesterday evening GIMDES was in Moral FM for “Halal Life” broadcast
The program is every Tuesday evening live broadcast and GIMDES President Dr. Huseyin Kami BUYUKOZER and food engineer Beytullah Cicen have participated as a speaker this week. The program covered the following topics; What is the current position of Halal Certification in the world? What are the differences between Halal Certifiers in the world? The […]
Eid-al Adha Mubarak..
Praying that Eid-al Adha Mubarak, All sacrifices are accepted, and what you’re eating is Halal. We reach an Eid-Al Adha again, and we pray that all Muslims communities find ointments for their sufferings. So pray to your lord and sacrifice [to him alone] Al-Kawthar [108:2] And we ransomed him with a great sacrifice. As- […]
GIMDES delegation returned from Tataristan program
GIMDES delegation returned from Tataristan program. GIMDES Fiqh committee member Fatih Kalender and Technical science committee member Abdulhamit Aksel went Kazan, which is the capital of Tataristan due to the invitation of Kazan Mufti council. In the first day of their travel, they have visited slaughterhouse and a ravioli plant which are certified by Mufti […]
New branch of Halal Dunya Market opens
New branch adds to Halal Dunya Markets: Gebze Branch opens on 6 October. We struggle many years when we go shopping we always ask which product should I buy? Which are products halal and Tayyib? Halal Dunya Market project has been prepared by GIMDES. Only GIMDES Halal Certified products in there and people can shop […]
Let’s GIMDES Halal logo usage campaign on the Halal Certified products package
Some of our follower brothers since 2003 complain for the technical scientific articles for food publish very little. Yes, it is kind of true. However, the applied mission of Gidaraporu website is in the life, so we can call today as action time. Although GIMDES is in the beginning of its working, there are 350 […]
Halal life Radio program
GIMDES is in the Moral Fm every week. HALAL LIFE program is ongoing four weeks in moral FM, and the audience shows great interest. The program is live broadcast and GIMDES President Dr. Huseyin Kami Buyukozer, GIMDES Technical Science and Fiqh Committee members and auditors attend to program. It is every Thursday on 20:30-21:30. The […]