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Dr Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER

Whether the Muslim consumer lives in America, Europe or an Islamic country like Türkiye, he or she should know that there is no difference in the conditions and dangers. “We live an expatriate life everywhere. Until the 2 billion people of the Islamic Ummah fully awakens, this misery will not end.

We have tried to explain in general terms the issue of non-alcoholic (!) drinks (soda, cola, fruit juice, coloured drinks and so on), which we have been trying to find a solution to for years and which caused serious discussions in 2006-2007. As it is well known, most of the carbonated drinks contain flavours and colorants. Flavours and colorants are additives in the form of oil, and just as olive oil and water do not mix, they do not dissolve in the product they are added to.

Since they do not dissolve, the intended taste and colour cannot be obtained. In order to realise this dissolution process, solvents (solvent) are needed and the most commonly used ethyl alcohol is attractive to producers due to its cheapness. Leaving aside other additives such as acesulfame-k and aspartame, which carry health risks, the problem of ethyl alcohol starts at this point. As is known, if a drop of alcohol is added to a pot of milk, it becomes haram and najis.

Likewise, ethyl alcohol used as a solvent or for any other reason makes the product haram and najis. The amount of alcohol is not important here. However, many fatwas have been given through false syllogisms to make it permissible

Unfortunately, colas, sodas, fizzy / flavoured / coloured drinks are a bleeding wound of humanity in general and the Muslim Ummah in particular, including ethyl alcohol. The Muslim is obliged to investigate whether the food in front of him is from haram or halal. “O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly your sworn enemy.” (Al-Baqarah, 168).

I pray that we find success in our search for halal and tayyib food and that Muslims stay away from haram and suspicious foods, even if it is a single morsel.