

We pray to Allah (swt) that the Three Months, which are the means of forgiveness and pardon, and the blessed laylat of Raghaib, which is full of blessings that we will experience on Thursday night, will bring mercy and goodness to you, us, our nation, Muslims and all of humanity.

In the rush of our daily lives, we unknowingly lose our way from the right goals regarding the basic values ​​of life. In this period of time full of troubles that we are going through, we often lose ourselves under the bombardment of fake and artificial agendas imposed on us. These artificial agendas that we are talking about often make us forget our real purpose of coming to this world. However, we should always be sensitive and vigilant against such agendas that will distract us from our real purpose and should not allow them to find a way and capture our souls in their net. At such a difficult moment, Allah suddenly puts a golden opportunity before us these days; Three months! In fact, we can call it a genuine and divine agenda. Because Janab al-Haqq showers his forgiveness, pardon and blessings in these months.

The beginning of the three months, the Night of Raghaib, is considered by Muslims as the night of forgiveness and salvation. On this night, believers busy themselves with worship and obedience and take stock of their deeds for the year. They find the opportunity to give a more orderly direction to their future days and worldly affairs in order to gain the quality of a perfect person and a mature Muslim. We should also take advantage of this opportunity and start a working process that will revive our Halal and Tayyib life system that they insidiously tore away from us a century ago. We should be able to take steps to make Halal and Tayyib food dominant in our homes, offices, workplaces and NGOs.

The Prophet (pbuh), who entered the three months with a different spirit and meaning, paid special attention to the month of Shaban, and devoted Himself to worship and the afterlife to a degree not seen in other times. While He spent most of the days of this month fasting, He also revived the nights in a very different way from other nights. Let us pray with the prayer He made, believing that we are His ummah on his path;

“O Allah! Bless us with Rajab and Shaban and bring us to Ramadan!” We want to share Love, Brotherhood and Friendship. Make us successful in living in a Halal and Tayyib order of life. Make us reach this dua. May Allah (SWT) be our helper.