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GIMDES organized the 9th Halal and Tayyib Conference

GIMDES organized the International 9th Halal and Tayyib Conference on 23-24 October 2017 in Royal Retaj Hotel- Istanbul

The Halal and Tayyib products conference conducted about the challenges and solutions of the Standardization and accreditation authorities, Halal tourism, Halal trade problems, contemporary fiqh issues in the light of halal industry, technology and innovation in halal industry and medicine, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics issues, and continued for 2 days . There were many speakers and attendees from different countries who attended the conference.

On 23 October 2017 there were three sessions:

The first session: Halal standardization and accreditation authorities: Updates, Challenges and solutions

The session chairperson was Dr. HÜSEYIN KAMI BÜYÜKÖZER- GIMDES President -Turkey

YUSUF PATEL – South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa. Halal Standardization And Accreditation Authorities: Updates, Challenges And Solutions. pdf file

Dr. ADEL SABIR European Halal Development Agency. UK. Halal Standards: Challenges in Conformity Assessment. pdf file

SHEIKH THAFIER NAJJAAR. Islamic Council of South Africa, ICSA, South Africa. Challenges Facing Halal Certification.

Dr. HANI AL MAZEEDI- Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, State of Kuwait. Challenges facing the real Halal, With focus on Halal standards and Halal accreditation agencies. pdf file


The second session: Challenges facing Halal certification in Halal tourism.

The session chairperson was ZAFER GEDIKLI President of World Halal Council- Turkey

Dr. OMER AKGUN TEKIN- Süleyman Demirel University –Turkey. Challenges Facing Halal tourism and solution. pdf file

HUSEYIN PAMUKÇU – Kastamonu University, Tourism Faculty- Turkey. Potential and Current Situation of Halal Tourism Market’s. pdf file

SAQIB MOHAMMED. Halal Food Authority- UK. Halal Food Applications and Risks in Tourism Sector. pdf file

HAKAN KORIK- Retaj Hotel- Turkey. Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services.


The third session: Halal and Tayyib products manufacture and trade problems and its resolution proposals in the Muslims and non-Muslim countries.

The session chairperson was Abdul Rahman Linzag IDCP President, Philippines

Dr. MUHAMMAD NADRATUZZAMAN HOSEN: State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Halal Trading Among Asean Countries. pdf file

Dr. HÜSEYIN KAMI BÜYÜKÖZER- GIMDES president –Turkey. The Global Halal Food Market and Updates on Global Halal Standards. pdf file

TAOUFIK MAATOUG – Halal correct- Netherland. Manufacture and Trade Problems in Europe. pdf file

MUHAMMAD MAZHAR HUSSAINI, American Halal foundation, USA. Halal and Tayyib Trade Problems and its Resolution Proposals in The Muslims And Non-Muslim Countries. pdf file


On 24 October 2017 there were aslo three sessions:

The first session: Contemporary Fiqh issues in the light of Halal industry. 

The session chairperson was MOULANA MUHAMMAD SAEED NAVLAKHI. South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa.

FATIH KALENDER – İsmailağa Fiqh committee member- Turkey. Necessities in Halal Certification system.

Dr. SAID RATBI BALİ- Halal Food Quality- Spain. The role of Using Ethanol in Halal industry in The Light of Islamic Shariaa. pdf file

Dr. BAHMED REFFIS, Girdaya University, Algeria. Food Industries and the Actual Contemporary Jurisprudence. pdf file

Dr.MAJED ALHARIRI- GİMDES R& D Coordinator- Turkey. Problems and Challenges Facing Water Bath Stunning in Halal Certification System. pdf file

The second session: Technology and innovation in Halal İndustry

The session chairperson was Dr. HALIM AYDIN MUSIAD executive committee –Turkey.

Dr. ALI FANOUS- HALAL CONTROL GmbH – Germany. Technology and Innovation in Biotechnology From Halal Perspective. Pdf file

Asst. Prof. Dr. MUHAMMED YÜCEER- Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University- Turkey. Recent Technological Developments and Innovations in Halal Food Processing Industry. pdf file

SİTİ MASTURA JUHARİ- DagangHalal- MALAYSIA. HAAS: An innovative solution for the Halal Certification System. pdf file

Asst. Prof. Dr. YILMAZ KAYA Ondokuz Mayis University—Turkey. Genetically Modified Products in Plant Production: Myths and Reality. pdf file


The third session: Medicine and Pharmaceuticals: Challenges and Solutions

The session chairperson was Pharmacist SALIH BEŞIR- İsmender-Drug Sector Members and Pharmacy Association- Turkey.

Dr. ABDEL MAJID KATME- Ex-President: Islamic Medical Association/UK. ISLAMIC MEDICINE: Used Raw Materials In Medicine And Cosmetics from Halal perspective. pdf file

Prof. Dr. SEYFULLAH OKTAY ARSLAN- Yıldırım Beyazıt University- Turkey. Interpretation of advanced drug technology in the context of divine creation. pdf file

Mr.H.P. JHUN, C.E.O, Daeduck Lab. Co., Ltd- South Korea. Why Halal Cosmetics? Start With Yourself. pdf file

Dr. MOHAMMED ALI ALSHEIKH WACE- Drug Information Specialist- Syria. Halal Pharmaceutıcals Product Development: How To Make Halal Alternatıve Medıcınes; Movıng From Theory To Practice. pdf file


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